Leaning Into Who You Are - Jeff Perry - Coach2Scale - Episode # 008

Today’s guest is a sales leader who has built high-performing teams at some of the largest and most well-known enterprise tech companies. Jeff Perry is the Chief Revenue Officer of Carta. Jeff and Host Matt Benelli discuss the importance of being yourself in interviews, why leaders can be both empathetic and results-driven, and the benefits of selling as a team.
  • The success of a sales leader does not depend on the size of the company, it depends on the type of person they are. If they’re willing to learn, a sales leader from a large company can excel in a smaller company and vice versa. 
  • While often thought of as being mutually exclusive, it is possible for leaders to be both compassionate and results-driven.  
  • People appreciate working for leaders who are genuine. Leaders can be compassionate and empathetic while also being firm and demanding. Leaders should build relationships with people that create trust over time and allow them to ask for a little bit extra at times.
  • Make sure reps are thinking about where each deal came from so they can think of where to go to get their next deals. 
  • Never lose a deal alone. Prior to losing a deal, reps should involve other members of their team who might be able to help them with the deal. When a deal is lost, sales leaders should ask the rep who else they got involved in the deal.
  • Sales leaders should encourage their reps to reach out to other members of the organization, even beyond sales, to aid them in closing a deal. More companies than ever are finding better success in the “team-close.”

Quote of the Show:
  • “I'm done trying to pretend who I'm not, so I'm going to lean into who I am and what I do know and what my experiences are” - Jeff Perry 


Ways to Tune In:

CoachEm™ is the first Coaching Execution Platform that integrates deep learning technology to proactively analyze patterns, highlight the "why" behind the data with root causes, and identify the actions that will ultimately improve business results going forward.  These practical coaching recommendations for managers will help their teams drive more deals, bigger deals, faster deals and loyal customers. Built with decades of go-to-market experience, world-renowned data scientists and advanced causal AI/ML technology, CoachEm™ leverages your existing tech stack to increase rep productivity, increase retention, and replicate best practices across your team.

Learn more at coachem.io

Creators and Guests

Matt Benelli
Matt Benelli
Co-Founder, CoachEm™ * Proud Dad/Husband * Entrepreneur * Leader * Coach * Risk Taker
Leaning Into Who You Are - Jeff Perry  - Coach2Scale - Episode # 008
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